
👾Species: NOLF (Race)


🎲Role in Story:

A NOLF that serves as guard to Michaels building on Central Prime. Libby pays him well because he doubles up as security.

ℹ️ Description:


  • Gender: presents as Male
  • Height: 6 foot with holo-head
  • Complexion: Robot,  green paint
  • Hair: None
  • Eyes: Amber
  • Face: GREEN eye head
  • Voice: Cheerful and expressive to make up for GREEN eye head
  • Clothing:  None, mismatched silver pipes.
  • Skills: Constantly connected to the Network and thinks of it as his primary domain. His physical body is a storage for his consciousness and he takes little interest in it. He is VERY good with the Network though. Possibly better than Dex and Libby.

💼Occupation: Mans the information desk at Libby’s apartment building. Also, is unofficial security. He’s still an elven destroyer unit.

🎺Habits/Mannerisms: Is often prone to one-liners and sarcasm but in a loving an respectful way. Mostly he wants to be left alone at the front desk so he can work on whatever it is he does on the Network. Its assumed he’s working on Emerging other AI into NOLF’s but no one is quiet willing to say it.

🧨Personality: Cheerful and respectful, borderline surly.


Emerged and shortly later met Libby. unlike Libby he isn’t interested in “Meat space”  and a deal was struck between them where she gives him shelter and a high end Link if he does what comes naturally to Elven destroyers.


External Conflicts

The needs of physicality, maintenance and upgrades annoy him.

Internal Conflicts

  • Its on the cusp of being alive, Libby figured this out a little while ago and is waiting for it to “wake up” she keeps trying to upgrade it to prompt and awakening a little quicker but Jon, naive to these things doeskin see the point.


  • He doesn’t like being tethered to a body. it’s a point of great concern for him and he wants to ascend beyond the need for a core.


A NOLF that serves as guard to Michaels building on Central Prime. Libby pays him well because he doubles up as security.

  • Was an Elven Destroyer Unit.
  • He looks to be make of “pipes” with a projected eye as a head (green).
  • He is heavily armed.
  • He is happy to be in lobby all the time as he exists partly on the network.
  • He owes Libby his freedom as he was being used as a service droid.