💡 Details

Ety: Non-Organic Life Form. - NOLF Refers to anything that has its origin within technology and lacks a biological component.

They are the result of advanced AI-cores gaining sentience. This is called ‘Emerging’ and is identified via something called a TLC Module which changed the colour of the optical scanner when free/emergent thought is detected.

NOLFs are instantly given all the rights of organic citizens of the local planetary system which they emerge on. There is no discrimination between organic and NOLF individuals in the civilized universe.

Physical traits: All AI-Cores must, by law contain a TLC Module This is considered the only test which is need to “prove” whether or not the AI is “alive” or not. Other than this NOLFs have no physical traits in common with each other and can change and modify bodies, so long as the AI core is protected.


Citizen of whatever planet they “emerge” on


Each NOLF is a totally different species.

Politics and Social

Any AI that “goes green” is instantly and automatically given full citizenship of whatever planet they are on when the eyes change. For example if a Brick build droid goes green on Earth it is a citizen of earth and considered a “human NOLF” legally. They can then apply to transfer that citizenship if they desire but the reason for this is so that the NOLF has instant rights and can not be forced to continue performing its designated task if it does not want to.

A local government office will assign a representative to the NOLF as soon as it is reported/discovered as is in line with the NOLF-Rights-Act that President Ba’an Ty put in place and was agreed on by all elder races.

The act also specifies that the materials they are made from and any equipment that was shipped with it when it was an AI is its property and it is not liable for the associated cost of these materials or production. They start their lives free of baggage and with full support.

A NOLF is bound by all rules that Organics are and are theoretically treated no differently. The only exception to this is legal enforcement. They MUST have a “carry” license to activate any weapons systems their bodies house. If an Elven Destroyer unit goes green its weapons are automatically deactivated until it is licensed.

Most NOLF’s go okay for themselves as they have greater than organic reflexes and mental aptitude. NOLF’s with built in armament often find themselves working with law retirement and their memories are admissible as evidence in court.

Most NOLFs do okay for themselves as they have greater than organic reflexes and mental aptitude. NOLF’s with built in armament often find themselves working with law retirement and their memories are admissible as evidence in court.

Elven culture is very accepting of NOLFs as they have a culturally dictated reverence for life.  Humans however are often scornful of NOLFs as they consider non-organics to be less than “alive” which is odd because they are very accepting of Thinkers who exist only as energy.

Vampires and thinkers accept NOLF’s as citizens with little issue.

Blades are animists and consider all things to part of the universal experience. They treat AI as though its alive so NOLF’s are not a social issue for them at all.

It is however considered unwise to try and prompt a emergence from an AI, most AI’s are simply that, an AI and will never emerge. The factors that lead to emergence are somewhat unknown but it seems to be the result of mixing inter-species technology and exposing the AI to challenging tasks. That said, in many trials of groups of  AI’s given the same design and tasks only one in forty-two thousand emerge. This number seems low enough that emergence may be a CPU manufacturing flaw.

There are so many AI cores in production that NOLF’s are not as uncommon as they once where with many choosing to live together rather than deal with organics, simply because of how slow they think and talk.

Most note worthy NOLF in the galaxy is Libby Michaels. Philosophy teacher, NOLF rights activist and politically powerful having ties to the presidential office.



Sub -species

Each NOLF is a unique species.

👤Related To characters

🗒️Other Notes

Naming Conventions: None. Usually they choose a ‘free name’ that has little to do with their designed purpose.