I am not good at art, I have a terrible visual imagination, because of this, I will never be an amazing artist. However, I like drawing, and I like sharing. So, with this in mind, here is a gallery of sorts.

I don’t know but I enjoyed making it.

Hi, mom

Why is this image so large? I have no idea.

This is a bear. He eats people, and Cake.

I imagine this on the side of a van, i don’t know why.

I like cute animals that look like aliens.

Not really sure what this is about if I’m honest.

This is a picture of my dog… because i am a child.

Ah yes, the ‘fish hole’

My memory of the 80s. I guess.

Well, it made me lol.

No, its not me.

The image that my friend asked for, it’s at the top of the caw wiki

It feels like a reference to something. It is not. I think i like making things which seem like they belong to something and don’t.

I realise, you have questions. I have no answers for you, sorry… move along.